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Jamu Gendul 88

Unlock Idonesia's Spices and Herbs' Potential.

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Get to Know Us

Jamu Gendul 88 provides Homemade Jamu, ​Tisane, and Dried Spices, Herbs, and Fruits. ​We use traditional recipes that have been ​passed down through generations in our ​family in Kediri. Using fresh ingredients that ​are naturally grown by farmers in Kab. ​Tangerang and Kab. Lebak, Banten, our ​products are free from preservatives, ​additives, and artificial sweeteners and ​coloring agents. Through our Acaraki Journey, ​we hope to preserve the Jamu heritage and ​local wisdom, as well as explore the full ​potential of Indonesian herbs and spices. ​Hopefully by supporting Indonesian to use ​more herbs and spices, we can keep ​Indonesia's herbs and spices biodiversity.


Turmeric and other Spice Ingredients for Jamu Herbal Drink

Good News You Should Know About Jamu

UNESCO has designated Jamu as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Hopefully this will make Jamu become known ​globally. The interesting part is that Jamu actually supports several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) due to its ​natural, cultural, and socio-economic attributes.

We hope that our Acaraki Journey will contributes to these goals below and these are why you should support us:

Good Health and ​Wellbeing

Responsible Production ​& Consumption

Gender Equality

Life on Land

Jamu promotes good health and ​well-being through its natural ​ingredients, which have been ​used for centuries to prevent ​and treat various ailments. Jamu ​offers natural remedies as an ​alternative to synthetic drugs, ​encouraging a holistic approach ​to well-being.

It's as simple as the more ​people consume Jamu, the ​healthier they get, then they will ​spend less money on hospital ​bill and medicine because they ​don’t get sick easily.

Women help preserve cultural ​heritage by maintaining and ​passing down the art of Jamu ​making, keeping our traditions ​alive. Jamu production and ​distribution often involve ​women, this plays a key role in ​empowering women ​economically.

In Jamu Gendul 88, all of our ​employees are women who ​hasn’t had chances to get ​formal education.

Jamu relies on sustainable ​sourcing, using natural and ​locally sourced ingredients that ​minimize environmental impact. ​By focusing on natural remedies, ​Jamu reduces the need for ​synthetic chemicals and ​pharmaceuticals. It also ​promotes local economies by ​supporting local farmers and ​traditional methods, helping to ​foster sustainable economic ​growth.

Jamu production often relies on ​organic and sustainable farming ​practices, which help reduce the ​environmental impact. Keeping ​our Jamu culture encourages the ​preservation of our natural ​habitats and biodiversity, ​ensuring that our rich ecological ​heritage is maintained for future ​generations.


Revitalize your body with our ready-to-drink jamu selection.

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tisane, hampers

Indulge in the soothing aroma and flavor of our tisanes, elegantly packaged in our curated hampers.

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Enhance the taste and aroma of your tea time with our premium selection of dried spices, herbs, & fruits.

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Our best-seller, a refreshing turmeric and tamarind tonic with ginger, Kaempferia galangal and Javanese turmeric, packed with antioxidants and immune-boosting properties. A true wellness elixir.

five star rating

Aromatic, spicy, and versatile. Perfect for adding a kick to your cooking or soothing a sore throat.

five star rating

Tangy, zesty, and full of vitamin C. Ideal for flavoring beverages, cooking, garnish, or as a healthy snack.

five star rating

Our Certifications


All of our products in the 'Ready to Drink Jamu' category have been given a Halal Certificate from the Ministry of Religion. Certificate number: ID35110001579041122


Our workshop has earned a Good Manufacturing Practices Certificate from BPOM. Five of our products are already registered with BPOM and have commercial licenses. We will gradually register all of our products. Certificate number: PB-UMKU: 191021002654800000002

certificate gradient icon

1 / Jamu Kunir Asem

BPOM RI MD 023182000100061

2 / Jahe Merah Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000200061

3 / Lemon Lokal Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000300061

4 / Jahe Gajah dan Jahe Emprit Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000400061

5 / Sereh Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000500061

6/ Kunyit dan Kunyit Biang Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000600061

7/ Kecombrang Kering

BPOM RI MD 023182000700061

Get in Touch

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External Links

You can find our profile at ukmjagowan.id, which is a platform for curated local enterprises. Click here to visit the website.

Experience the benefits of our premium products by visiting our online store today. Browse through our wide selection of dried spices, herbs, fruits, tisanes, hampers, and ready-to-drink jamu. Place your order now and discover the flavors and aromas of our high-quality products!

Welcome to our blog! Discover the benefits of Indonesian spices and herbs, the journey of crafting traditional herbal tonics, and explore flavorful Indonesian recipes packed with aromatic spices.

Lemon Palembang dan Lemon Jawa memiliki perbedaan rasa dan kadar air, bentuk, warna, dan aroma.

Tisane Jamu Gendul 88 adalah minuman herbal yang bebas kafein dan bisa dibuat sendiri dengan mengkombinasikan beragam rempah.

Panduan sederhana untuk meminimalisir dampak lingkungan dari aktifitas jajan jamu.